February QuestBreak™ ANSWER KEY

View the full quality images from the Google Drive folder below and save them to your camera roll to cycle through them easily!


  • START ON Level 5: “above the llama” (@ Level 3)

  • Level 3 - “right of the basketball” (@ Level 2)

  • Level 2 - “left of the ice cream” (@ Level 11)

  • Level 11 - “above the chimpanzee” (@ Level 7)

  • Level 7 - “right of the snowman” (@ Level 14)

  • Level 14 - “left of the heart” (@ Level 12)

  • Level 12 - “between the lap dogs” (@ Level 4)

  • Level 4 - “above the dinosaur” (@ Level 13)

  • Level 13 - “on the steps” (@ Level 6)

  • Level 6 - “above the rings” (@ Level 8)

  • Level 8 - “between the bikes” (@ Level 3)

  • Level 3 - “left of the candle” (@ Level 2)

  • Level 2 - “left of the chair” (@ Level 14)

  • Level 14 - “above the ringtail” (@ Level 7)

  • Level 7 - 🔓 No clue here; photo of a peacock.

🗝 QUEST 1A PASSWORD: peacock

  • ON PUZZLE 1A: “above the shadow of a man” (@ Level 6)

  • Level 6 - “right of the star” (@ Level 12)

  • Level 12 - “above the dandelion” (@ Level 2)

  • Level 2 - “left of the scarecrow” (@ Level 9)

  • Level 9 - “right of the straw hat” (@ Level 3)

  • Level 3 - “below the phonograph” (@ Level 14)

  • Level 14 - “right of the lute” (@ Level 9)

  • Level 9 - “above the dragonfly” (@ Level 8)

  • Level 8 - “below the tin man” (@ Level 9)

  • Level 9 - 🔓 No clue here; photo of lion.

  • 🗝 QUEST 1B PASSWORD: lion

ON PUZZLE 1B - “right of the treasure chest” (@ Level 14)

  • Level 14 - 🔓 No clue here; photo of an astronaut.

PASSWORD: astronaut



  • START ON Level 5: “kitty wants to solve puzzles too!” (@ Level 4 - cat with the ConsumerBreak app)

  • Level 4 - “somebody is pointing to the next clue” (@ Level 3 - the clue being pointed at)

  • Level 3 - “polar bear plunge” (@ Level 14 - the polar bear in the water)

  • Level 14 - “the road is no place to swim” (@ Level 2 - the swimmer on the road)

  • Level 2 - “flannel boys” (@ Level 8 - the cats wearing flannel and referred to as the boys in the comment)

  • Level 8 - “do you even lift, bro?” (@ Level 13 - the weight lifter)

  • Level 13 - “a pair of bucks” (@ Level 7 - the two deer)

  • Level 7 - “two collars are better than one” (@ Level 6 - the dog wearing two collars)

  • Level 6 - “hey Trixie, do a trick!” (@ Level 11 - the dog named Trixie from the comment)

  • Level 11 - “follow the rheas” (@ Level 3 - Google says a rhea is a big bird similar to an emu)

  • Level 3 - “Smaug” (@ Level 9 - Google says this is the name of the dragon in The Hobbit)

  • Level 9 - “hanging around on a tree” (@ Level 6 - hanging on a tree)

  • Level 6 - 🔓 No clue here. An umbrella is hanging on the tree.

🗝 QUEST 2A PASSWORD: umbrella

  • ON PUZZLE 2A: “written by Ronald Blackwell and performed by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs” (@ Level 9 - Google says this is “Little Red Riding Hood”)

  • Level 9 - “the nose of Baby Beans knows” (@ Level 4 - on the nose of the dog named Beans from the comment)

  • Level 4 - “Suda the Painter” (@ Level 7 - Google says Suda is a painting elephant)

  • Level 7 - “Aspidochelone” (@ Level 2 - Google says this is a giant turtle with an island on its back)

  • Level 2 - “tough cats from the hood” (@ Level 11 - the cats lying on the car hood)

  • Level 11 - “beware the Witches’ Market” (@ Level 3 - Google says this is a market in Bolivia that sells witch doctor items)

  • Level 3 - “Lincoln is looking at your next clue” (@ Level 13 - the boy named Lincoln from the comment is looking at the clue)

  • Level 13 - “a bridge connecting larva to imago” (@ Level 8 - Google says larva is pre-cocoon, imago is post-cocoon = the clue connecting the butterfly to the caterpillar)

  • Level 8 - “beware of the panther” (@ Level 13 - the sign saying “Beware of the Panther”)

  • Level 13 - “Carl Fredricksen’s house moving business” (@ Level 2 - Google says Carl is the character from the movie “Up” whose house is moved by balloons)

  • Level 2 - “trial by combat” (@ Level 14 - Google says this is a medieval method of settling disputes by fighting to the death)

  • Level 14 - “Xbox, Switch, PC…” (@ Level 12 - written on the ad)

  • Level 12 - 🔓  No clue here. The ad finishes the phrase - “xbox, switch, pc, and MOBILE”


  • ON PUZZLE 2B - “goes good with a sunrise” (@ Level 11 - the comment mentioning a sunrise)

  • Level 11 - 🔓 No clue here; the comment finishes the phrase - “sunrise and window reflection”

PASSWORD: window reflection



🔓 Each letter of the password is shown as a silhouette of an animal on Level 10. These animals are scattered throughout the images with their letter! Find all of the letters and match them to their silhouettes to spell out the phrase.

PASSWORD: aspire to inspire before we expire



🔓 An unused clue on Level 9 says "a house with a niblet of bitterness".

On Level 11 you will see these same words in a comment, with one more key word! Input this word as the password.

11_00000 copy.jpg

